On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Timothy Murphy wrote:

On Mon 17 Sep 2007, Gunter Ohrner wrote:

A concrete example of an actual mail setup
and how this is seen by an IMAP client
would have been much more useful, in my view.

There is an example of the Maildir++ directory layout on this page.

Er, which page?

You snipped one level of replies too many:

On Mon, 17 Sep 2007, Gunter Ohrner wrote:

Am Montag, 17. September 2007 schrieb Timothy Murphy:

> > http://wiki.dovecot.org/MailboxFormat/Maildir describes the way
> > dovecot implements the Maildir++ quasi-standard.
> A concrete example of an actual mail setup
> and how this is seen by an IMAP client
> would have been much more useful, in my view.

There is an example of the Maildir++ directory layout on this page.

“this page” is then:

Specifically, I think you'd want the section titled “Directory Structure”:

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