On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 12:57:11AM -0400, Bill Cole wrote:
> At 12:42 AM -0400 9/18/07, Benjamin R. Haskell  imposed structure on 
> a stream of electrons, yielding:

   ... [existence of maildirfolder file]

> >
> >had no ill effect on the visibility of my folders. That said, I also 
> >don't use quotas of any kind, so I can't speak as to its effects on 
> >the '++' of Maildir++.
> That's interesting.
> I'm still using 1.0.0 and had a folder that did not appear to my 
> clients until I added the maildirfolder file.

I think maildirfolder is only used for quotas, where the presence of
this file indicates that there's a level higher in the folder hierarchy.
Somehow this always strikes me as being backwards; a single marker file
in the top level would be more efficient than having to have a marker file
in each subfolder.  It would make sense if you could remove this file to
exempt a particular folder from contributing to the quota, but that doesn't
seem to be the case.

Anyway, I also have lots of folders without that file in it, but (as yet)
am not using maildir quotas and am not impacted at all.  

-mm-  (who thought you had been watching JvV)

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