> On Feb 4, 2025, at 4:49 PM, Kim Davies <kim.dav...@iana.org> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We have published a new version of the draft intended to document the 
> .internal top-level domain. 
> (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-davies-internal-tld/ 
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1wL3tfrwQ6JxaBo9-XvwsA_Nahe2UUmEH7JTf_uvCUh7hyS4bNVwO7ystIkidXlX0prAvh8mAVxwkG-QKsT3VEp5TV_0FZjt_6Ppb4bOTQgbFIwlU3PaJFykiPKGLVvRnoyAQLTbWZceZwwdYn4Fw8EKgBHGuml6JX-eWDcSm9TM8rdRYE-GF5Zw7-kA2gBgyvnXE2VrefyPx8jJSsoMgPB2L2oNqbUbLLs2doGF-lwiLRHnaqhz-KV6bf2l5GGYM2gXJUCr5Q5d4W5as6p0iQqjVPI6zFjkX2JEozzlCSUmMf680a54LbHQdEJtf5wuABalAXsaBF2XAmke5zin3Dg/https%3A%2F%2Fdatatracker.ietf.org%2Fdoc%2Fdraft-davies-internal-tld%2F>)
> When we presented this work in Dublin, there was a lot of discussion both in 
> the meeting, and subsequently, on whether this should be a work item and also 
> whether the domain merited consideration as a special-use domain name per RFC 
> 6761. I don’t think there was clear consensus on either, but to further the 
> discussion on the latter point, Warren Kumari has provided strawman text to 
> stimulate discussion.
> kim

I think .internal definitely should be a special use domain name, just like 
.invalid, .test, and others.  The text for RFC 6761 consideration 4 should be 
similar to those others, e.g.:
   4.  Caching DNS servers SHOULD, by default, recognize .internal
       names as special and SHOULD NOT, by default, attempt to look
       up NS records for them, or otherwise query authoritative DNS
       servers in an attempt to resolve .internal names.  Instead,
       caching DNS servers SHOULD, by default, generate immediate
       negative responses for all such queries.  This is to avoid
       unnecessary load on the root name servers and other name
I’d really like to see MUST instead of SHOULD but I suspect most will think 
thats a step too far.

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