> On 10 Jul 2024, at 14:27, Philip Homburg <pch-dnso...@u-1.phicoh.com> wrote:
> So the question becomes, do we want some limits in an RFC that everybody
> agrees on or do we want to keep the current informal system where limits
> are not fixed and people can get unlucky if they exceed limits they didn't
> know exist.

I’d prefer somewhere in between. Nailing down fixed limits could be tricky 
because there are too many moving parts: transport, DNSSEC flavours, Do[TQH], 
what (not) to drop from the Additional Section, etc). And those limits may 
change as the DNS and/or the Internet evolves. The current informal 
arrangements may well be too loose. The info isn’t in one place, making it hard 
for DNS operators.

IMO documenting the trade-offs in response sizes could be a better option. ie 
if the response > X, it breaks foo; if it’s > Y it breaks bar.

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