Colleagues, The new WGLC on draft-ietf-dnsop-zoneversion is now closed. The authors have incorporated all the revisions requested by our AD and the WG, and we see consensus to advance it for publication.
Thanks all for your feedback and patience. Suzanne (for the chairs) On May 7, 2024, at 10:24 PM, Suzanne Woolf <> wrote: Colleagues, Back in October 2023, the WG requested publication of "The DNS Zone Version (ZONEVERSION) Option" ( When our AD reviewed it before taking it to IETF Last Call, he felt there were some issues that needed to be addressed, and returned it to the WG. At the time, the chairs asked the authors to address the comments, and told the WG we'd run another WGLC before requesting publication again. The authors have addressed Warren's comments, so we're opening a 1-week WGLC on the revised zoneversion document. Please review the new version and speak up on the list to support advancing it or tell us where you think it still needs work. We'll close the WGLC in one week, May 15. Current version: Warren's AD review: Diff :<> Thanks, Suzanne (for the chairs)
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