
First thanks for the presentation this morning.   Second, I am your DNS
Directorate reviewer for draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap,
and I realize I owe your latest versions a review.  Geoff/Jim - I wonder if
we should have a second pair of eyes on this document?

While I am not one of the DNS Directorate Chairs, I think getting reviews
for draft-lenders-dns-cbor before a WVG adopts it is a
fine idea.  But I am just one person


On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:03 PM Martine Sophie Lenders via dnsdir <> wrote:

> Hi!
> This morning I presented two drafts in DNSOP:
> -, DNS
> over CoAP (currently discussed in core WG), and
> -, CBOR of DNS
> Messages (currently discussed in cbor WG)
> We would be happy about your input on both of these drafts.
> Ben raised the point during the meeting that a new data format, such as
> CBOR of DNS has issues and referenced the JSON document presented
> before. As far as I understood, the problem there was that there was
> just no representation of EDNS(0) records specified. This is not an
> issue with the CBOR format because of the following reasons: (a) there
> is a dedicated format for EDNS records specified. (b) if a record is,
> for any reason, not representable in CBOR, one can always fallback to
> the “classic” binary format of the resource record. This means, the
> format as specified in RFC 1035, section 3.2.1, is carried it as a byte
> string within the CBOR object (which itself is in a binary format), see
> Section 3.2 of the CBOR draft. So in that sense, CBOR of DNS is
> future-proof as long as such new resource records are parsable by a
> classic DNS parser as well.
> For a quick introduction into the message format, I invite you to take a
> look at the beginning (slides 4-7) of my talk I gave in the CBOR WG. I
> did not include these details in my DNSOP talk in the interest of time:
> (slides:
> )
> Best
> Martine
> --
> dnsdir mailing list
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