Hello DNSOP Working Group, My name is Momoka Yamamoto and I've recently submitted an Internet-Draft titled "DNS IPv6 Transport Operational Guidelines" (draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis-00) with my co-author Tobias tfie...@mpi-inf.mpg.de. This draft discusses the operational guidelines for operating authoritative and recursive DNS servers in mixed IPv4 and IPv6 environments, expanding on RFC3910 to address the progressing IPv4 exhaustion and the long-term necessity of IPv6-only resolvers.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback, comments, or questions you may have regarding this draft. I believe this document could contribute significantly to the current discussions and work of the DNSOP working group, especially in light of the wide adoption of IPv6 over the last 20 years since BCP91 was written. The draft is open for discussion and I am looking forward to engaging with the community to refine and improve it. Momoka Y ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: <internet-dra...@ietf.org> Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 3:02 AM Subject: New Version Notification for draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis-00.txt To: Momoka Yamamoto <momoka....@gmail.com>, Tobias Fiebig < tfie...@mpi-inf.mpg.de> A new version of Internet-Draft draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Momoka Yamamoto and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis Revision: 00 Title: DNS IPv6 Transport Operational Guidelines Date: 2023-10-20 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 9 URL: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis-00.txt Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis/ HTML: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis-00.html HTMLized: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-momoka-dnsop-3901bis Abstract: This memo provides guidelines and documents Best Current Practice for operating authoritative and recursive DNS servers given that queries and responses are carried in a mixed environment of IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It expands beyond [RFC3910] in so far that it now considers the reality of progressing IPv4 exhaustion, which will make IPv6-only resolvers necessary in the long-term. Discussion Venues This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/momoka0122y/draft-dnsop-3901bis. The IETF Secretariat
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