Yes, I would consider it to be lame delegation in all three scenarios below of 
EXAMPLE.NET. There is a delegation (from NET) but there is no possible path the 
the contents of the EXAMPLE.NET zone.


Mats Dufberg<>
Technical Expert
Internetstiftelsen (The Swedish Internet Foundation)
Mobile: +46 73 065 3899

From: DNSOP <> on behalf of Wessels, Duane 
Date: Monday, 3 April 2023 at 22:03
To: <>
Subject: [DNSOP] Meaning of lame delegation

I am participating in an SSAC work party where we are writing about DNS 
delegations where a delegated name server might be available for registration, 
allowing an attacker to participate in the resolution for the domain.  During 
report drafting we considered using the term "lame delegation" to describe this 
and a broader class of delegation problems.

Naturally, we turned to RFC 8499, DNS Terminology, but found the entry not 
particularly helpful since it simply quotes previous, imprecise uses of the 

   Lame delegation:  "A lame delegations exists [sic] when a nameserver
      is delegated responsibility for providing nameservice for a zone
      (via NS records) but is not performing nameservice for that zone
      (usually because it is not set up as a primary or secondary for
      the zone)."  (Quoted from [RFC1912], Section 2.8) Another
      definition is that a lame delegation "...happens when a name
      server is listed in the NS records for some domain and in fact it
      is not a server for that domain.  Queries are thus sent to the
      wrong servers, who don't know nothing [sic] (at least not as
      expected) about the queried domain.  Furthermore, sometimes these
      hosts (if they exist!) don't even run name servers."  (Quoted from
      [RFC1713], Section 2.3)

The first appears to assume that the name server exists, while the latter 
parenthetically notes the name server might not exist, but without any specific 
meaning of existence.  We are wondering if the idea of a lame delegation should 
be interpreted broadly, or more narrowly to include only cases where a response 
is proof of lameness.  Consider a delegation of the domain EXAMPLE.NET to name 
server NS.EXAMPLE.ORG.  There are three possible situations in which this might 
be considered a lame delegation:

(1) NS.EXAMPLE.ORG resolves to an IP address.  Queries to the IP address result 
in a REFUSED, SERVFAIL, upward referral, or some other indication the name 
server is not configured to serve the zone.

(2) NS.EXAMPLE.ORG resolves to an IP address.  Queries to the IP address do not 
elicit a response (e.g., timeout).

(3) NS.EXAMPLE.ORG does not resolve to an IP address, so there is nowhere to 
send a query.

We welcome the working group's thoughts whether "lame delegation" encompasses 
these three possibilities.


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