On Mon, 3 Apr 2023 20:02:16 +0000
"Wessels, Duane" <dwessels=40verisign....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> (1) NS.EXAMPLE.ORG resolves to an IP address.  Queries to the IP
> address result in a REFUSED, SERVFAIL, upward referral, or some other
> indication the name server is not configured to serve the zone.

May be lame.  I could imagine an argument made that REFUSED is due to
some administrative policy applied to the specific query, but the
server is otherwise responding authoritatively for other queries.

> (2) NS.EXAMPLE.ORG resolves to an IP address.  Queries to the IP
> address do not elicit a response (e.g., timeout).

May be lame.  Perhaps the lack of response is a transient network issue?

> (3) NS.EXAMPLE.ORG does not resolve to an IP address, so there is
> nowhere to send a query.

ns.example.org is lame, but since there is no mapping to an address,
is there a specific NS instance that is actually lame?  Unclear to me.

> We welcome the working group's thoughts whether "lame delegation"
> encompasses these three possibilities.

Interesting dilemmas. I'm not sure there are obvious answers.  Perhaps
lame delegation is the general concept, but specific failure modes need
better characterization?


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