On Sep 7, 2022, at 5:48 PM, Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-d...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
> Once SVCB resolution has concluded, whether successful or not,
> +if at least one AliasMode record was processed,
> SVCB-optional clients SHALL append to the priority list an
> endpoint consisting of the final value of $QNAME, the authority
> endpoint's port number, and no SvcParams.  (This endpoint will be
> attempted before falling back to non-SVCB connection modes.  This ensures that
> SVCB-optional clients will make use of an AliasMode record whose TargetName 
> has
> A and/or AAAA records but no SVCB records.)

What happens under the current wording, before the addition above? That is, if 
no AliasMode record was processed, is the addition along the lines of "you can 
only add this if you have it, and if no AliasMode record was processed, you 
don't have it"? Or does the addition solve the problem "if no AliasMode record 
was processed, the thing you append will be harmful"?

--Paul Hoffman

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