It is not the ISE that is ignoring RFC 6761, but this group. 6761
envisioned this precise case. For whatever reason, that document didn't
take the next step and actually reserve a TLD. Sometimes it is
reasonable to do things incrementally. But what is not reasonable to
expect researchers to attempt to enter the ICANN arena in order to
facilitate a the safe use of a new naming system that doesn't require
use of the DNS.
Alternate names spaces want a “real name”, so either their name or their
mapping will “squats” on the DNS namespace. They won’t use .alt or ._alt just
like they aren’t using alt.onion or gns.onion.
If I thought there was no chance of these people using a suffix of some
form, I wouldn't have come to DNSOP and I wouldn't have mentioned
draft-ietf-dnsop-alt-tld. You have a group of people who are here now,
albeit grudgingly, to step through the process here with you, to address
safety concerns. Consider the alternative: they and others will do what
they are going to do without whatever advice and safety the IETF could
offer to the community.
My advice: take advantage of this opportunity.
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