It appears that Independent Submissions Editor (Eliot Lear) 
<> said:
>  On the one hand, we need to find a 
>way for people to explore alternative namespaces that look a bit like 
>domain names.  On the other hand, we don't want to create problems with 
>user expectations.

It is fine for people to look at other ways to do naming on the
Internet, but that does not mean they get to squat on the DNS

Look at the handle system or I guess DONA now. It has its own
namespace or numberspace, and it has its own way to look stuff up.
Some of their registry-like-things have made their own arrangements to
do DNS gatewaying, like, which is fine
and neither our problem nor ICANN's.

GNS is welcome to set up their own name space and provide their own
resolution system. If they want to do a GNS->DNS gateway, that's fine.
But the DNS is the DNS, and things that aren't the DNS don't go there.


PS: Yeah, I know about .onion, but one unfortunate decision does not a policy 

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