
This feels like a process run-around. The conversation has been held
in DNSOP and didn't reach consensus. It is not like the WG said "we
don't care" -the WG cared immensely. It just couldn't come to a single
point of view.

A lot of the issues are layer-8/9 and I think it's most likely this is
a sign of a problem which demands a different kind of document, not an
ISE document. Possibly its an IAB document about the view of the
integral namespace and process boundaries around delegation,
non-delegation and reservation as they intersect with protocol and

Also no-hats. I'm partisan in this, but I think the process question
is distinct from the actual topic

On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 11:30 AM Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
> On Aug 1, 2022, at 08:31, Independent Submissions Editor (Eliot Lear) 
> <rfc-...@rfc-editor.org> wrote:
> >
> I do not think the ISE should ignore or be a workaround for RFC 6761 Special 
> Use Domains. There any many problems with its application and its lack of 
> application but adding the ISE as a third party along with the IETF and ICANN 
> doesn’t make this problem easier.
> Alternate names spaces want a “real name”, so either their name or their 
> mapping will  “squats” on the DNS namespace. They won’t use .alt or ._alt 
> just like they aren’t using alt.onion or gns.onion.
> Paul (as individual)
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