On Dec 31, 2020, at 2:09 PM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
> Hiya,
> On 31/12/2020 21:48, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> 1. Don't allocate a code point at all
>> 2. Allocate the code point but in some manner that makes clear
>>    we don't endorse it (effectively what TLS does for algorithms
>>    like this)
>> 3. Allocate the code point without comment
> FWIW, I kind of agree with ekr, both as to the options
> and on my current preference to not too easily loosen
> up for DNSSEC.

To be clear, the loosening that is being discussed is from making it "standards 
required" to "RFC required". (We briefly discussed going to "specification 
required", but there was little appetite for that.)

> That said, I wonder as to the actual deployment of algs
> that we'd not recommend, especially given the relative
> scarcity of DNSSEC signing.

Well, exactly. This discussion arose because a few Russian folks want the 
revised GOST algorithms to have a code point allocated. Currently, for them to 
do that, the IETF would have to put the new GOST algorithms on standards track. 
We did that for the last algorithm, but it is not clear if we want to do that 

> Does anyone have a pointer to survey-like material that
> has a focus on rarer algorithms in DNSSEC? One reason to
> ask is that from a first glance it looks to me like .ru
> isn't using gost, which would be telling, if correct.
> To be clear: I don't think spending much time debating
> how to handle algs for an infinitesimal number of zones
> is that worthwhile, so that'd be another reason to prefer
> the status quo, if that is the case.

The status quo (standard required) will likely absorb a lot of time for the 
IETF if the WG decides to move the revised GOST forward. It will also probably 
land in the CFRG. Reducing the requirement to RFC required allows their 
document to be informational.

The WG already has RFC 8624 that talks about what implementers should do with 
various algorithms. Clearly, it will need to be updated for the revised GOST 
regardless of whether the WG changes the IANA considerations.

Also, as a reminder, this isn't only about GOST. In the coming years, there 
will be a raft of post-quantum signing algorithms with different signature and 
key size ratios that people will want adopted. Putting every one of them on 
standards track seems onerous to some of us.

--Paul Hoffman

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