As I have before stated in the past, adding new DNSSEC algorithm is bad for 
I oppose the adoption of this document unless there are better reasons put 
forward why this algorithm is better than
the 4 ECC algorithms that have been standardized so far. 
Better in this case could be stronger, faster, better post-quantum resistance 

Also I want to point out this last call did not specify track so my opposition 
is against all tracks, at this point. 


> On Jun 3, 2020, at 5:07 PM, Tim Wicinski <> wrote:
> All,
> As we stated in the meeting and in our chairs actions, we're going to run
> regular call for adoptions over next few months.  
> We are looking for *explicit* support for adoption.
> This starts a Call for Adoption for draft-belyavskiy-rfc5933-bis
> The draft is available here: 
> <>
> Please review this draft to see if you think it is suitable for adoption
> by DNSOP, and comments to the list, clearly stating your view.
> Please also indicate if you are willing to contribute text, review, etc.
> This call for adoption ends: 15 June 2020
> Thanks,
> tim wicinski
> DNSOP co-chair
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> DNSOP mailing list

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