On 22 Apr 2020, at 18:30, Shumon Huque <shu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nice!
> You didn't name the entity/company, so I won't ask. But I am mildly
> curious about why they never brought the proposal to the regext 
> working group.

Others will surely have greater insight, but there is much work on the 
registry-registrar interface that happens outside the IETF. I am aware that the 
regext wg chairs have put considerable effort into trying to encourage more 
such work to happen there, but there is some degree of cultural round peg 
square/hole going on.

As a minor adjunct to Patrick's earlier advice on EPP, note that not all 
registries use separate host and domain objects. In some registries the data 
you might otherwise find in a host object is present in domain objects 
themselves, rather than domain objects and host objects being linked. I think 
this behaviour is exclusively found in non-contracted registries.

RFC 5731:

   <complexType name="nsType">
      <element name="hostObj" type="eppcom:labelType"
      <element name="hostAttr" type="domain:hostAttrType"
   Name servers are either host objects or attributes.

   <complexType name="hostAttrType">
      <element name="hostName" type="eppcom:labelType"/>
      <element name="hostAddr" type="host:addrType"
       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   If attributes, addresses are optional and follow the
   structure defined in the host mapping.


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