> On Jan 15, 2020, at 12:14 AM, Shane Kerr <sh...@time-travellers.org> wrote:
> Duane,
> Honestly thinking about it more, I'm not even sure we should consider 
> supporting an incremental version of zone digests in ZONEMD at all.

I could be easily convinced to take that route.

The first few revisions of the draft were designed that way.  WG discussion 
back then seemed to focus a lot on the need for having it work with incremental 
updates.  I felt that it could be accommodated with the addition of an extra 
field and some future work to hammer out the details. 

>  There's no harm in introducing a new type with its own syntax and semantics 
> if we tackle that problem in the future.

Yes, I think that is a perfectly reasonable approach.  Brian mentioned some 
potential complications, and I'll respond to his message.


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