On Monday, 15 July 2019 13:35:33 UTC Tim Wicinski wrote:
> The chairs felt that fujiwara-san's draft was one that needed in person
> discussion in Montreal.
hopefully kazunori will suggest a bar bof for monday night. i leave tuesday 
morning and so will miss the WG meeting. my own concern is more for packet 
size than for fragmentation itself. i'd like to explain my concerns to 

> Also, if folks did not see his presentation at OARC, here are the slides:
> https://indico.dns-oarc.net/event/31/contributions/692/attachments/660/1115/
> fujiwara-5.pdf

possibly to be argued, but to be not dismissed. as i wrote up-thread, the 
state mass of fragmentation, harshest on receivers but also present on 
transmitters, means the original EDNS0 spec ought to have said "SHOULD be of a 
size that allows the full packet with all headers to fit the local interface 
MTU and next-hop MTU" and possibly also "MAY set the DF bit if capable of 
hearing and interpreting ICMP messages".


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