> On 11 Jul 2019, at 4:00 am, Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:
> i like marka's proposed solution below, a lot. and muks' is also clever,
> though requiring wire protocol changes. however, fujiwara-san's proposal
> describes a broader array of fragmentation problems than just integrity, and
> we should be looking at that broader array when making our plans.
> i think there's a broader question about fragmentation itself. at the outset,
> i knew, when creating EDNS0, that fragmentation was considered harmful:
> https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/Compaq-DEC/WRL-87-3.pdf
> noting, jeff mogul and chris kanterjiev (kent), authors of the above tech
> report, were two of my mentors and bosses at d|i|g|i|t|a|l from 1988 to 1993,
> so, i read all of their work, and i discussed my questions and objections
> with
> them. fragmentation was, in ipv4, harmful. there can be no argument at this
> late date. i sinned egregiously in EDNS0 by opening the door to
> fragmentation,
> and the results have been predictably painful and expensive for everybody.
> however, IPv6 intended to, promised to, and claimed to, fix V4
> fragmentation's
> many defects. i must have been thinking optimistic thoughts about the IPv6
> time line, and IPv6's promises and intentions, when i opened the
> fragmentation
> door in EDNS0. what actually then happened was that ICMPv6 as required for
> PMTUD6 was not secure and could not be implemented, which means any
> fragmentation done in IPv6 (which unlike IPv4, is an endpoint-only activity)
> will be uninformed about path MTU. thus we make pessimistic assumptions like
> 1500 and 1220. and if that's the kind of fragmentation we can actually get,
> then it's a negative value, and fragmentation in IPv6 is as bad, for
> different
> reasons, than in IPv4.
IPv6 moved fragmentation to the originating node from the router to allow for
faster routers.
As for PMTUD and DNS/UDP it was clear in 1998 that DNS servers would need a
mechanism to avoid PMTUD issues so I proposed draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-frag (1998)
which got incorporated into RFC 3542 (2003) as IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU. Named uses
that mechanism when the OS supports it.
Limiting transmitted EDNS/UDP responses just moves PMTUD issues to TCP unless
care is taken to limit MSS sizes. This can be done by a number of mechanisms
but is not universally achievable. DNS/TCP is not a panacea for DNS/UDP
fragmentation issues.
PMTUD is a issue for a number of reasons. Routers still have PTB generation on
the slow path which means that it ends up getting rate limited. PTB generation
should have been moved into ASICs a decade ago. Firewalls that block PTB
Packet load balancers that fail to look into the ICMP payload when forwarding
> therefore, for the reasons set out by fujiwara-san in his recent draft posted
> here, and especially for the reasons spelled out by his extensive references,
> DNS should not use fragmentation. while some of kazunori's examples have to
> do
> with message integrity and attacks such as the shulman method, the case
> against fragmentation in DNS's use of UDP is immensely strong. solving for
> the
> integrity problems doesn't change our conclusion, and adds more complexity.
> i have two final notes, which may help inform those who witnessed the sham
> consensus railroaded (soviet-style) through the recent DNS-OARC meeting in
> bangkok, and heard me speak against outlawing fragmentation as a 2020 Flag
> Day
> goal, and are now hearing me contradict myself.
> ---
> first, we need fragmentation to work, which means we need path MTU discovery
> to work, which means we need ICMP to be secure, at least in IPv6. while use
> of
> fragmentation for DNS UDP has a high cost, the intentional investment of that
> cost would be a beneficial forcing function on fixing fragmentation itself.
> notably, TCP avoids fragmentation through its MSS signaling, which defaults
> to
> MIN(myMTU, herMTU) minus some fudge factor for protocol headers. which means
> lack of fragmentation does not hurt the web, and so nobody cares about it.
> but
> we should, all, care about it. i'll explain further in an upcoming article
> which i'll link here, but briefly, 1500 is the wrong LAN MTU for FastE, and
> is
> insanely small for 1GE, unthinkably wrong for 10GE, laughable for 40GE, and
> engineering malpractice for 100GE. for a test, do a bunch of NFS and SMB
> tests, over both UDP and TCP for each protocol, using jumbo grams (9K MTU)
> and
> then again using standard (1500 MTU) sized data grams. watch for transfer
> speed, CPU utilization, and network utilization (as bits, not as packets).
> i will at some point teach FreeBSD TCP how to fragment its first TCP segment
> after synchronization, but only for IPv6. my goal is to force IPv4 fallback
> if
> IPv6 with all of its promised PMTUD and endpoint-only fragmentation does not
> work. let every network operator whose key performance indicators include
> IPv6
> deployment levels, begin to fear that without its PMTUD promises, IPv6 is not
> good enough to replace IPv4, and they will have to plan on investments in
> dual-stack, _forever_.
> ---
> second, all mass is energy, and state in the network should be thought of as
> having mass. PMTUD has some scale problems regarding endpoint state
> requirements, and so, has to work well enough for fast LRU purges of state
> required for endpoint MTU information, which will lead to rapid rediscovery.
> but, TCP protocol control blocks are also state, and state has mass. a world
> in which every recursive iterating server has long-running TCP/853 (DoT)
> connections open to hundreds or thousands of authority servers is not going
> to
> be inexpensive, either for the initators or the responders. the web works
> this
> way, but can require tens of gigabytes of kernel memory for the TCP state
> alone. that's not a good ratio or mass to value. importantly, fragmentation
> has another state mass cost, which is transmitting the fragments with enough
> inter-packet gap to avoid microbursts which overflow the switch port buffers,
> and receiving fragments which must be reassembled before they can be
> delivered. all of this is wrong.
> william simpson, perry metzger, and paul vixie (me) worked together about ten
> years ago to create TCP enhancements which would have permitted an unlimited
> number of quiescent but open TCP connections, at a per-connection state cost
> precisely equal to the cost of resisting a SYN flood attack. so, highly
> compressed state, because state mass is a high cost at the network-wide
> level.
> we also supported payloads large enough for DNS or WWW queries in the
> synchronization phase, fixed the security problems around RST, expanded the
> option header space, and saved the window size during periods of connection
> quiescence, allowing back-to-back-to-back transmissions once cookies had been
> exchanged. the result was RFC 6013, which was entirely ignored by the people
> who brought us TCPFO, which has the same incompressible state as TCP, adds no
> security, and reduces only the problem of round trip costs. the other
> document
> besides RFC 6013 that may be of interest is here:
> https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/126-metzger.pdf
> metzger, simpson, and vixie (me) are all notoriously difficult to work with,
> and this stems from correctable personality defects and unforced human
> protocols errors for which we should each be periodically upbraided. however,
> ignoring our work because we're somewhat irritating runs the risk of taking
> the internet itself down a blind alley from which a later return won't earn
> us
> thanks from the grandchildren.
> ---
> in summary, the network needs working fragmentation so that it can have a
> future that isn't constrained by the physics of thickwire ten megabit
> ethernets, and if the DNS community were willing to join the fight, it would
> be a shorter fight. however, DNS, and UDP itself, is better off without
> fragmentation, because of state mass and complexity costs, regardless of
> whether we can solve fragmentation's integrity and substitution weaknesses.
> --
> Paul
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