Ted Lemon wrote on 2019-04-03 15:34:
Paul, it might be worth asking whether you believe that isps should be selling eyeballs. If you think they should, then your argument makes sense. It’s the same argument isps give for charging me for service and then charging Netflix for access to me.

If you don’t agree with this model, then your argument that whoever built the network has the right to dictate terms is inconsistent.
my answer is that's a false dichotomy; "none of the above".

the internet relies on cooperation for its functionality. interoperability in protocols is an example -- if you speak gibberish you won't be heard, if you don't know the language you won't understand.

respecting the uniqueness of code point allocations is another example: you are counting on everybody respecting the allocations of network numbers, autsys numbers, top level domains, protocol identifiers -- and if they don't, they and you will both suffer.

the example your nondichotomous question brings up is policy. if the user or app or LAN or WAN or far-end does not want a transaction to occur, they can block it. if you don't like that policy (see bob's excellent response down thread), you need to swap out that component of the path.

so, it's none of my business whether any ISP other than my own sells eyeballs. for me, i won't do business with an ISP who does that. but, i have choices. that's why i mentioned "if your ISP has a monopoly" up-thread, because their regulator may have views on what they can and cannot do if their customers have no other ISP serving them. (network neutrality turns on that point, as well.)

i literally do not, and should not, have a belief one way or another as to whether some figurative ISP sells eyeballs or doesn't. if yours does, and you don't feel fairly compensated for the resulting loss of your privacy, than vote with your feet/dollars.

i am not going to prescribe policy, other than indirectly, by refusing to accept traffic from networks whose policies freely permit abusive traffic (spam, ddos, etc) to flow toward me. but even in that case, my belief will be that _i_ should not accept their traffic. i will not try to tell _you_ whether to accept their traffic.

their network, their rules. i have feet, and they vote.

P Vixie

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