> On Nov 21, 2018, at 10:11 AM, Sara Dickinson <s...@sinodun.com> wrote:
>> On 21 Nov 2018, at 10:58, Alissa Cooper <ali...@cooperw.in 
>> <mailto:ali...@cooperw.in>> wrote:
>>> On Nov 20, 2018, at 9:01 PM, Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca 
>>> <mailto:jab...@hopcount.ca>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alissa!
>>> On Nov 20, 2018, at 20:18, Alissa Cooper <ali...@cooperw.in 
>>> <mailto:ali...@cooperw.in>> wrote:
>>>> I support Benjamin's first DISCUSS point. In addition to documenting the
>>>> privacy considerations, I think it's important for this document to be 
>>>> crystal
>>>> clear about who is meant to be doing the data collection -- namely, the 
>>>> server
>>>> operator. There are some statements in the document that otherwise could be
>>>> construed to be encouraging third-party passive monitoring of DNS traffic
>>>> without explaining why, which seems like a problem:
>>> I think it may be worth exploring why that's a problem.
>>> I think a capture format should be oblivious to the circumstances of
>>> the capture;
>> Ok. This document is not at all oblivious, though (see Section 3). I read 
>> the document to be implicitly assuming the server operator to be doing (or 
>> at least in control of) the data collection, which is why the two statements 
>> I pointed out seemed so striking for their lack of declaring that 
>> limitation. If the document was meant to be oblivious, it shouldn’t make 
>> normative (in the dictionary definition sense) claims about what is ideal, 
>> optimal, or necessary. 
> Hi Alissa, 
> If we update the statements as below to clarify the context would that 
> address your concern?
> Section 1:
> OLD:
> "There has long been a need to collect DNS queries and responses on
>   authoritative and recursive name servers for monitoring and analysis.”
> NEW”
> “There has long been a need for server operators to collect DNS queries and 
> responses on
>   authoritative and recursive name servers for monitoring and analysis.”
> Section 3:
> OLD:
> "In an ideal world, it would be optimal to collect full packet
>   captures of all packets going in or out of a name server.”
> NEW:
> “From a purely server operator perspective, collecting full packet
>  captures of all packets going in or out of a name server provides the 
>  most comprehensive picture of network activity.”
Yes, thank you.

> Sara.

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