Matthew Pounsett wrote:
    there's a carrier wave in that time series, which has its own wave
    form. at the end of each epoch, we'll be back where we are today,
    without a coherent or complete document set. we'd be moving from
    failing to plan, to planning to fail. let's make a better move.

That's a pretty cynical view.  Do you not think the specifications being
written today are better than they used to be?

mine have gotten better, but are still not as good as 1033, 1034, and 1035 were. i won't speak to my perception of the quality of others' work. however, i have noticed that each DNS-related IETF WG has had times of high process discipline and times of expediency -- and i think that's because we're doing it with humans, and i know that we will continue to do this with humans. i don't experience this as cynicism.

    to achieve the goals you stated earlier, there would have to be both
    the time series of changes, and the timeless document full of
    lineouts. bert's "DNS Illustrated" github site is an example of the
    latter, and a starting point for it, if we wish.

If we had a better baseline, and if our Updates documents were clearer
about what they change in older documents, that line-out would be a
pretty trivial document to maintain, and might not even be necessary.

that supposition depends on what the future DNS-related WG's are, who chairs them, who attends meetings, what the culture is, who the AD's are, who the rest of the IESG and IAB are... many things we cannot predict now and will not be able to control then.

furthermore, the IETF would have to update some STD document every time a new DNS-related RFC was published, just to enumerate the full set of things a new implementer should study and consider. that STD could be just a list of RFC's, or could mention specific sections and say they are "in" or "out", or could repeat the relevant text. i could argue for any of those three approaches. but your model requires one of those, or else, "read them all and let the market sort it out" is our guidance to new implementers. that's what's not working now, and won't work, ever.

P Vixie

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