Catching up:

 Assuming we agree that the table also says where to find the registry
 for second level names, this removes and need for special cases. The top
 level names _tcp _udp _sctp _dccp all work for SRV and URI and take
 service names on the second level.

if you view the use of _tcp by more than one rrtype as a coincidence rather than as evidence for the need for a registry, then we can simply define the global registry out of existence (where it has been until now) and ensure that every rrtype's registry of "_" names is public and easily found on the IANA web site.

I don't think it's a coincidence, but as you noted people will do what they do. One registry should make it easier for sensible people to look and say aha, _foo already means something for BAR records so I will use a different name for unrelated tags for BAZ records. Or for unsensible people, we can at least be aware of what they do.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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