> On Mar 16, 2017, at 12:08 PM, Edward Lewis <edward.le...@icann.org> wrote:
> On 3/15/17, 20:22, "DNSOP on behalf of Russ Housley" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org 
> on behalf of hous...@vigilsec.com> wrote:
>> I see that draft-ietf-dnsop-sutld-ps-03 still references 
>> I-D.lewis-domain-names, but I have not seen ant WG Last Call for that 
>> document.  What is the plan?
> Just accidently saw this...I haven't been reading DNSOP much recently.
> FWIW, the document ("-domain-names-") was informally attached to the IAB's 
> Names and Identifier's Program, that program was recently scuttled by the IAB 
> like, maybe, 2-3 weeks ago.  I had been wondering (but more tied up with this 
> week's ICANN meeting) what happens next, and haven't gotten around to dealing 
> with that.  In that sense "Good Question."
> The domain-names draft was never considered for a DNSOP WG document as it is 
> mostly about how this is not a DNS problem.  In 2015, I did get comments from 
> folks on this list and then for most of 2016 the discussion was under the IAB 
> program.  There wasn't much discussion which is the prime reason the document 
> was in a suspended, waiting state.
> The document currently has two pieces.  One is the historical narrative and 
> written to justify clarifying domain names, with "clarifying" being an action 
> not to be undertake without much consideration.  (Having written two 
> clarifications, I've learned.)  The other piece is where I wanted discussion, 
> defining domain names.
> I could edit the document to include just the first piece and submit it to 
> the Independent Stream whatever, Editor.  There's not much reason not to do 
> that - it just hadn't happened while the IAB program was in place 
> (potentially adopting the document).  On the other hand, I was still 
> "discovering" some of the elements of the relevant history as late as 
> December based on the only set of comments I'd received in months (got it in 
> private email in September).
> What are the chances that the Independent Stream Editor will bounce this 
> document towards DNSOP?  So - as a question to the chairs - is it worth DNSOP 
> adopting this document (covering the history) at the risk of it being out of 
> scope for the charter, or is it better to, if the Independent Stream Editor 
> bounces this to DNSOP, reply with a "it's not our bailiwick?"
> I suppose in any case there will be an IETF-wide last call before the 
> document stands a chance of being a vetted, published document.  I've just 
> never thought of any other vetting (WG) to be done.
> Ed

Ed - I think your document is a valuable reference and worth publishing.  The 
first question to ask is whether you want to continue with the publication 
process.  If you do, I'm sure we can find some way to publish it.

I need to re-read the document to refresh myself on the two aspects of the 
document that you mention.  If you really are looking for IETF discussion and 
consensus on the defining domain names, a third path would be an AD-sponsored 
submission, independent of any WG.

- Ralph

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