I've been telling people that if they need a fake private TLD for their local 
network they should use one of those since it is exceedingly unlikely ever to 
collide with a real DNS name.  Am I right?

C: why not just use .alt for this? It is clear that these should not
hit the global DNS, and should fail (get NXD) if they do. It is
clearly different to a ccTLD (at least some users have learnt that
things of the form .xx are "countries" - lets not confuse them

I suppose I could use jrl.alt, but I wouldn't want to use plain .alt for fear of, if you'll pardon the phrase, name collisions.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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