On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 08:48:19PM +0000,
 Adrien de Croy <adr...@qbik.com> wrote 
 a message of 73 lines which said:

> so therefore the DNS namespace has to be perverted.

>From the discussion at the IETF plenary yesterday evening, I got the
feeling that IETF 100 in Singapore will be clean of perversions :-)

> And when I see arguments like the IETF should assign root names so
> that organisations who can't afford lawyers

Such organisations should not be allowed to exist, I agree.

> I think the security implications of a resolver checking some
> internet source for a machine readable list of the latest special
> use names have not even been considered,

There is today, unfortunately, no such list. Should it exist in
6761-bis, I'm fairly certain the authors would add in the Security
Considerations section that the list must be authenticated (for
instance HTTPS to IANA with a thorough certificate check). It is not
different than the retrieval of the DNS root key.

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