On 10/5/15, 9:37, "DNSOP on behalf of Tim Wicinski"
<dnsop-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of tjw.i...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Could ICANN not document what they do now ?

In there world of "there's so many things to do" - a few weeks back,
off-list, there was a start of a discussion to alter the list of editors
(namely, add me) of the draft.

Aside - if I recall correctly, years ago, Joe announced the -00 as "what
ICANN does" not something up for debate but something that would be ideal
if the IETF had some comment on. (The new-fangled IETF archives don't seem
to have an obvious way to look at messages from September 2010 or October
2010 when I suspect the mail triggering this idea arrived.  If anyone
knows where the old-hangled mailman archives are, it would be helpful.)

I see this -11 document as something that can be an RFC, not a WG product.
 I.e., an individual submission with advice from the WG.  The intent is to
have an immutable, reviewed technical document published for the technical
community.  The RFC series seems appropriate.

I could be wrong.

My offer to be added as an editor was to take on any edits that might be
needed.  I don't know (off the top of my head) if any are.  Perhaps it
would be more useful to have a document shepherd than an editor to get
this -11 into an RFC.

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