In message <>, David Conrad
> Mark,
> > It's like the judge said "I know porn when I see it."
> Potter Stewart's 1964 expression was thrown out in 1973 in favor of a
> more objective standard (see the "Miller Test").
> > Something are just subjective.
> Extreme corner cases may require subjective analysis. I believe the vast
> majority of "special use" cases can be determined objectively, perhaps
> with an appeals mechanism for the odd corner cases where the objective
> analysis isn't clear cut.
> > This is why you have working groups not check lists for evaluating.
> RFC 6761 specifies an IETF "Standards Action" or "IESG Approval", not a
> working group decision.

That why we have groups of people look at the request. Not a
individual working off a checklist.  Attempting to get this sort
of assignment down to a simple checklist / objective measurements
will not work.

> Regards
> -drc
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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