This time, Tim, the time zone math is wrong. ;)  (Referring to a previous
off-list reply.)

1600UTC is 1800 CET (RIPE is in +0200 this time).

On 4/16/15, 15:34, "Tim Wicinski" <> wrote:

>On 4/14/15 2:54 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 2015, at 10:15 PM, Tim Wicinski <> wrote:
>>> We're now proposing the week of May 11th, 2015.  The chairs don't wish
>>>to inflict meetings on the working group for Monday or Friday.  We are
>>>considering Thursday, May 14th 1400 UTC, but will welcome any and all
>>>opinions on this matter.
>>> Suzanne is drafting an initial agenda and should be forthcoming by
>>>week's end.  Any suggestions for items are welcome.
>> Anything further on this, such as a specific date/time?
>> --Paul Hoffman
>We know this is the week of RIPE, which complicates things, but this
>week was the best of a bad lot.
>Looking at the RIPE calendar, we have a few suggestions:
>1) Tuesday May 12, 1600 UTC (1400 RIPE Local time), 12 Noon EDT, 9am PDT
>2) Wednesday May 13, 1600 UTC(1400 RIPE Local time), 12 Noon EDT, 9am PDT
>Thursday is out for several reasons.
>We are leaning towards 1) Tuesday Slot, unless we hear an overwhelming
>outpouring either way.
>DNSOP mailing list

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