On 4/8/15 7:48 PM, str4d wrote:
> Tim Wicinski wrote:
>> All,
>> As we announced in Dallas, we’ve decided to have a separate
>> meeting on Special Names and RFC 6761 topics.   We're planning on 
>> scheduling this the week of April 13th; with Thursday, April 16th 
>> as an initial choice.
> Thanks for planning this :)

Dates are actively being looked at, the development of the topic is
taking longer than was anticipated prior to the meeting.

I'm not the chair, but I think we can be assured that there will be an
update soonish and proposed dates will be outside the notification window.

> As someone who has an interest in this particular meeting but has
> never watched or participated in IETF or DNSOP meetings before, how
> will this meeting be conducted? How do people choose to watch or
> participate? The only information I can find that might be related is
> about IEFT interim meetings [0], but there is no scheduled interim
> meeting for this topic [1]. Is there another mailing list or website I
> should be following for more information?
> [0] https://www.ietf.org/meeting/interim-meetings.html
> [1] https://www.ietf.org/meeting/interim.html
>> If folks have any preference for a date, or conflicts with this 
>> one, please let us know. We plan on having the meeting at 2pm UTC, 
>> which would translate to 4pm CEST, 10am EST, 7am PST, and 11pm
>> JST. Other suggestions are also welcome-- no time is perfect for 
>> everyone but we’re trying to accommodate the widest range of 
>> participants that we can.
> I haven't seen any further communication (on this ML) about the
> meeting, so I assume the specified date and time is still the case?
> Friday would work better for me than Thursday (which I can't do at 2pm
> UTC), but I'm just one person.
>> We’re working on a detailed agenda but the initial plan is to 
>> attempt to address both specific drafts and some of the 
>> larger-scale issues we’re seeing around the administration of the 
>> special-use domain names registry.
> Sounds good. I look forward to seeing these issues nailed down.
> str4d
>> thanks Tim/Suzanne
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