ogud> The usage case that got brought up at the mike ``PTR records are
ogud> used by logging systems''  got me thinking ``when does a logging
ogud> system need this information''  and the answer is I think ``when a
ogud> human is looking at the log'' in all other cases if the system is
ogud> running at high speed the delay in looking up addresses is just
ogud> too long.

Depends on the environment and application. For enterprise and security,
seems more common to do PTR lookups in real time. For web sites and
really high traffic volume, more common to post-process.

ogud> ``End-user'' addresses do not need a PTR record but could be
ogud> simple wild card responses like ``[[Customer.HNL.biz-ISP.net]]'' 
ogud> as none is complaining about 

ogud> 3600 IN PTR [[dhcp-887b.meeting.ietf.org]].

ogud> or 

ogud> 9.5.9.d.7.4.e.f.f.f.9.e.f.c.a. 
ogud> IN PTR
ogud> s2001067c037001362acfe9fffe47d959.hotel-wireless.v6.[[meeting.ietf.org]].

Other than mail/spam filtering, these do seem to work most
places. That's why ISPs have mostly gotten away with wildcarding PTRs in

ogud> That to me indicates that people use log post processing all the
ogud> time and Intrusion Detection Systems are doing PTR lookups by
ogud> policy  For IDS are their expectations any different than log
ogud> processors?  and if IDS's are taking decisions based on the
ogud> content of PTR records what granularity do they need? 

IDSs presumably have a more "known" and stable user population; things
that don't match that tend to be assumed as hostile. Not sure it's a
good assumption but I suspect most IDS teams assume that they (or at
least their organization) have some control over A/AAAA/PTR cleanliness
and response time.

Enterprises are also more likely to have their IP addr mgmt, DHCP and
DNS talking. This leads to higher quality PTRs than in consumer ISP or
wireless hotspot environments.

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