On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 07:48:19AM -1000, Olafur Gudmundsson wrote:
> Thus I would say the usage case is “a log processing tool MAY do PTR lookups” 

There's no reason to suppose that the name a source has at the time
you look at the log is the one that it had when it performed the
action.  I think doing PTR lookups when processing logs is just a way
to introduce errors (just as doing PTR lookups when creating the log
entry is a way to introduce system overhead and delays).

If we're going to go through all of this again, I really do urge
people to look at the list archives from 2006-2008.  We went through a
lot about these use cases then.  You can reach back further if you
like -- the draft's filename once contained the word "required", which
is I suspect part of what hurt it so much.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

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