On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 4:23 AM, Antoin Verschuren
<antoin.verschu...@sidn.nl> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> op 14-04-14 21:18, Warren Kumari schreef:
>>> Just checking -- do you want any action *on this doc*? I *think*
>>> that we are generic/non-prescriptive enough that you can
>>> implement whatever policy you want...
> Yes, like I said, I would like to have this line deleted in section 6:
>   "A parent MUST NOT perform a consistency check between CDS and
>    CDNSKEY (other than for informational / debugging use) resource
>    records."
> That's not protocol, but prescriptive language that a parent is
> disallowed to have a policy to verify the records.

Ah. Sorry, was not intentionally ignoring you, I just missed where you
were meaning...

> I also think the line just above that:
>   "The parent MUST choose to accept either CDS or CDNSKEY resource
>    records (based upon local policy), and MUST NOT expect there to be
>    both."
> is mixing up 2 things:
> - -What the parent -accepts-
> - -What the parent -uses- when both are present.
> I think it's perfectly fine for a parent to accept both, but it must
> state which it will use when it sees both in the zone to manage
> expectancy.
> So suggested text to replace that with:
> "The parent MUST choose to use either CDNSKEY or CDS resource records
> as their default updating mechanism.
> The parent MAY only accept either CDNSKEY or CDS, but it MAY also
> accept both, so it can use the other in the absence of the default
> updating mechanism, but it MUST NOT expect there to be both."

Nice, thanks for the text...


> - --
> Antoin Verschuren
> Technical Policy Advisor SIDN
> Meander 501, PO Box 5022, 6802 EA Arnhem, The Netherlands
> P: +31 26 3525500  M: +31 6 23368970
> Mailto: antoin.verschu...@sidn.nl
> XMPP: antoin.verschu...@jabber.sidn.nl
> HTTP://www.sidn.nl/
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