On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 05:39:58PM -0400, Suzanne Woolf wrote:

>    operated on Internet networks. This will include root zone
>    name servers, TLD name servers, name servers for other DNS
>    zones, iterative DNS resolvers, and recursive DNS resolvers.

Is there a reason to call out these particular functions, or not to
include something like, "or any other resolver or server functioning
as part of the global DNS"?  I'm just worried, for instance, that
stubs don't appear there, even though there might be advice I can
imagine the WG providing.

>    manages, and how they will interact moving forward.  Work in a
>    liaison capacity to ICANN to assist in this.

Given that "liaison" is a term of art around the IETF, perhaps the
latter sentence needs to be phrased another way?  I'm not sure exactly
what you have in mind, or I'd suggest something.


Andrew Sullivan

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