Colleagues, Here is draft text for the new charter we've been talking about for DNSOP.
When we have something the WG is comfortable with, we get to ask our AD to take it to the IESG, so please review and comment. (If you want to comment off-list, please send to, cc'd above, so we both see it….but on-list is preferable.) best, Tim & Suzanne ========== The DNS Operations Working Group will develop guidelines for the operation of DNS software and services and for the administration of DNS zones. These guidelines will provide technical information relating to the implementation of the DNS protocol by the operators and administrators of DNS zones. The group will perform the following activities: 1. Define the processes by which Domain Name System (DNS) software may be efficiently and correctly administered, configured, and operated on Internet networks. This will include root zone name servers, TLD name servers, name servers for other DNS zones, iterative DNS resolvers, and recursive DNS resolvers. As part of this effort, the group will produce documents explaining to the general Internet community what processes and mechanisms should be employed for the effective management and operation of DNS software and services, including root, TLD, and recursive servers. 2. Publish documents concerning DNSSEC operational procedures. 3. Publish documents concerning DNS operational procedures in IPv6 and mixed IPv6-IPv4 networks, and provide documentation and guidance on DNS-related IPv6 transition and coexistence issues. 4. Publish documents on extensions or protocol maintenance to the DNS Protocol, with a focus on the operational impacts of such changes. Act as clearinghouse for discussion or provide advice to ADs and other WGs on EDNS0 options, new RRTYPEs, DNSSEC, record synthesis, or other mechanics of extending DNS to support other applications. 5. Serve as a clearinghouse for DNS-related issues where people can bring drafts that document the problem space around these issues. The group will then decide whether these issues belong in DNSOP and, if not, will work with the authors and appropriate ADs to determine the appropriate group for the work. 6. Publish documents that attempt to better define the overlapping area among the public DNS root, DNS-like names as used in local or restricted naming scopes, and the 'special names' registry that IETF manages, and how they will interact moving forward. Work in a liaison capacity to ICANN to assist in this. _______________________________________________ DNSOP mailing list