On 16/01/14 08:25, Paul Vixie wrote:
> speaking for the authors of the draft below, i request adoption by
> dnsop. --vixie

Hi Paul and the rest of the authors.

> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dulaunoy-kaplan-passive-dns-cof/
> Internet Engineering Task Force                              A. Dulaunoy
> Internet-Draft                                                     CIRCL
> Intended status: Informational                                 A. Kaplan
> Expires: July 11, 2014                                           CERT.at
>                                                                 P. Vixie
>                                                                 H. Stern
>                                                  Farsight Security, Inc.
>                                                          January 7, 2014
>                    Passive DNS - Common Output Format
>                 draft-dulaunoy-kaplan-passive-dns-cof-01
> Abstract
>    This document describes a common output format of Passive DNS Servers
>    which clients can query.  The output format description includes also
>    in addition a common semantic for each Passive DNS system.  By having
>    multiple Passive DNS Systems adhere to the same output format for
>    queries, users of multiple Passive DNS servers will be able to
>    combine result sets easily.

I've read the 02 draft and I have a couple of comments:

- In section 3.3, it reads:
   rdata MAY be an array as defined in JSON [RFC4627].
   Implementors of this draft MUST be able to deal with rdata being
   returned as JSON array or alternatively as a JSON string.

Thinking as a developer, it could be annoying to have to test if rdata
is a string or an array. Given JSON arrays can be empty, wouldn't be
better to express it always as an array?

- In section 3.4.1 count
   Specifies how many authoritative DNS answers were received at the
   Passive DNS Server's collectors with exactly the given set of values
   as answers (i.e. same data in the answer set - compare with the
   uniqueness property in "Mandatory Fields").  The number of requests
   is expressed as a decimal value.

If you collector is sitting in front of a recursor, that uses an
upstream recursor (forwarder), the number of answers you are going to
see it won't be the same of the number of authoritative answers. Given
this, should count be an object like

   { 'total': integer,
     'auth': integer }

or be expressed in different fields?

Finally, is there a reason why TTL are being omitted from the collection
and responses?


> ...
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Sebastian Castro
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