L. Aaron Kaplan <kap...@cert.at> wrote:

> I agree. You probably meant
>    ws              = *(
>                        %x20 |              ; Space
>                        %x09                ; Horizontal tab
>                       )

Er yes, typo :-)

> > How are sensor_id octet strings encoded as JSON strings?
> Correct.

I need a bit more clarification than that :-) Section 3.5.1 of the -01
version of your draft says that a sensor_id is an opaque octet string,
which cannot safely be encoded as a JSON string because JSON strings have
to be valid UTF-8.

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Plymouth, Biscay, FitzRoy: West, veering northwest, 7 to severe gale 9,
perhaps storm 10 later. Very rough or high, occasionally very high. Rain or
showers. Moderate, occasionally poor.

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