On 2/18/13 3:24 PM, "Olafur Gudmundsson" <o...@ogud.com> wrote:

>Jason, in section 10 you talk about possible early removal the NTA when
>validation succeeds but there may be instances where validation succeeds
>when using a sub-set of the authoritative servers thus NTA should only
>be removed if all servers are providing "good" signatures.

Excellent point! We have certainly see cases where 2 of 3 name servers are
fine and one of them is acting wonky. I will add that to the open issue
tracker for a future substantive update!

>Furthermore what to do if some names work but others do not, for example
>I remember a case where the records at the apex worked but all names
>below the apex were signed by a key not in the DNSKEY RRset, thus it is
>possible that either human or automated checks may assume there is no
>problem when there actually is one.
>What this is bringing to my mind is maybe you want a new section with
>guidelines on how to test for failures and in what cases failure
>justifies NTA and what tests MUST pass before preemttive removal of an

Good question - will address in a future version as well.

>Also should there be guidance that removal of NTA should include
>cleaning the caches of all RRsets below the name?

I think so, yes. I will add this as well - can't hurt.

Thank you,

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