On 2012-10-09, at 21:56, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:

>       Please review draft-andrews-dnsop-rfc6598-rfc6303


The idea is good. Reverse queries for addresses in have been 
observed in the wild. I agree that this document should proceed.

RFC 6303 did not specify the requirements for updating the IPv4 Locally-Served 
DNS Zone Registry, but I see the registry is marked "IETF Review" at the IANA, 
which seems compatible with an Informational document.

> Abstract
>    [RFC6598] specified that: "reverse DNS queries for 100.64/10 MUST NOT
>    be forwarded to the global DNS infrastructure".

I seem to think that references are not allowed in abstract text. Spell out, since 100.64 is ambiguous (it's according to BSD 
libc, for example).

>    This document formally requests that IANA add the associated zones to
>    the "Locally-Served DNS Zones" to prevent such queries accidently
>    leaking to the global DNS infrastructure.

The word "registry" is missing. The registry is actually called "IPv4 
Locally-Served DNS Zone Registry" (see 

> 1.  Introduction
>    This is a formal request to add the reverse zones for the address
>    space allocated in RFC6598 to the "IPv4 Locally-Served DNS Zone"
>    registry estabilished by [RFC6303].

By the time this document is processed by the IANA it will be an RFC-to-be, and 
hence it's giving direction rather than making a request (formal or otherwise). 
You're also missing the direction from 6598 that you mentioned in the abstract. 
I suggest replacing this paragraph with:

'[RFC6598] specified that "reverse DNS queries for 100.64/10 MUST NOT be 
forwarded to the global DNS infrastructure". [RFC6303] provides guidance on 
handling such queries.

'This document directs the IANA to add the IPv4 reverse zones corresponding to, a netblock reserved in [RFC6598], to the IPv4 Locally-Served DNS 
Zone Registry established in [RFC6303].'

> 2.  Changes to Locally-Served DNS Zones
>    To add the following zone listed in RFC6598 Zones (Section 2.1) to
>    the "IPv4 Locally-Served DNS Zone" registry.
> 2.1.  RFC6598 Zones

I suggesting moving all of the content of section 2 to the IANA Considerations 

> 3.  IANA Considerations
>    This document recommends that IANA the zones listed in RFC6598 Zones
>    to the "IPv4 Locally-Served DNS Zone" registry.

See above. This placeholder text can be replaced with the actual direction.

> 4.  Security Considerations
>    As with any other Locally-Served DNS zone, reverse lookups of RFC6598
>    zones will require non-default configuration to return anything other
>    than NXDOMAIN.

This is a weird sentence. I would replace it with "This document is thought to 
present no additional security risks to the Internet."

You'll need an Acknowledgements section.


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