On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 09:49:03 am Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Xun wrote:
> > Unicast address of an
> > anycast server is very useful for many diagnostics, however, as
> > DNS queries is sent to the anycast address and the path is decided
> > by routing system, knowing the set of unicast address may not
> > sufficient to answer that question.
> That is an issue better handled by IP layer.

The purpose I see in this proposal, that cannot be handled by the IP layer, is 
to tell me which anycast instance is seen by some recursive name server.  All 
our current diagnostics rely on contacting the server itself to see which 
server answers us.  The proposal now being discussed allows the DNS control 
plane to be tested.

In other words if I want to know which F-root instance I am being routed to, I 
can ask, "dig @f.root-servers.net version.bind ch txt" or the equivilent in 
terms of "id.server".  But if i want to know which F-root node my ISP's name 
server is being routed to, I have no tools available today.  I would like to 
be able to say "dig @ _hostname._ns_diags.f.root-servers.net txt" 
or similar.  To do that, there has to be an NS record at or below the name 
server name (or some other predictable rendezvous point in the naming system) 
and each instance must serve that zone locally with localized content.

I support the general concept of this draft.

re: http://www.isi.edu/~xunfan/research/draft-anycast-diagnostics.txt

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