Thank you very much, Masataka! 

Quoting Masataka Ohta <>:

> I'm forwarding a mail from Xun as he mistakenly send it not to
> the list but to me.
>                                       Masataka Ohta
> -------- Original Message --------
> Quoting Masataka Ohta <>:
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > One result of that work is that we think additional information
> > > would make anycast dianosis much easier---
> > 
> > How can it be made much easier?
> > 
> > All the anycast servers should have unicast addresses to be
> > used for zone transfer, which can be used for most, if not all,
> > diagnostics.
> > 
> > So, what diagnosis, are you considering, becomes possible
> > only by your proposal?
> I think the initial e-mail text we sent is short and incomplete,
> our draft proposal is clearer.
> The particular diagnostic that our
> proposal tries to provide is to tell which one of a set of
> anycast servers responses to a DNS query. Unicast address of an
> anycast server is very useful for many diagnostics, however, as
> DNS queries is sent to the anycast address and the path is decided
> by routing system, knowing the set of unicast address may not
> sufficient to answer that question.
> For the diagnosis that becomes possible ONLY by our proposal,
> to our knowledge, is the identification of anycast nodes in
> catchments other than where the querier is currently located.
> One example utility might be to tell which authoritative name
> server provides answers to a recursive name server.
> > 
> > Also, I'm afraid a fantastic idea of "anycast node" of
> > RFC4892 is a result of broken specification of IPv6 anycast
> > (yes, IPv6 is broken in several ways), which assumes there
> > should be more than one anycast servers sharing an anycast
> > address on a link. Anyway, we can't discuss anything
> > meaningful about "anycast node", because its definition
> > is too fuzzy.
> I am not sure if I correctly understand your statement. Did
> you mean multiple anycast servers sharing a same path is only
> for IPv6? If so, I don't agree. We know that at least F root
> has multiple anycast servers in a site (which we think has
> same meaning to RFC4786 defined "anycast node") for
> address And I believe a load-balancing mechanism
> is reasonable for anycasted authoritative name servers. So
> "anycast node" should not be discarded at this time.
> > 
> > As the terminology is very confusing with "node" of domain
> > tree and "node" of IPv6, the entire idea of "anycast node"
> > should better be silently ignored.
> > 
> >                                             Masataka Ohta
> > 
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