In message <a06240801c6cd6fc26...@[]>, Edward Lewis writes:
> At 6:04 -0500 9/9/09, Michael Graff wrote:
> >Perhaps something as simple as "valid until" might be useful
> >for an ITAR like thing, but only so long as it comes from the submitter
> >of that key.
> ...We take the first step down the path of certificates, X.509, and 
> that sort of thing. ;)
> We need to be careful.  The jargon used for DNSSEC has included 
> phrases like, "a ZSK should expire in 3 months".  DNSKEY RRs do not 
> have time in them, RRSIG RRs do - and only in there is absolute time 
> ever apparent inside the DNS (system).  If we now attach absolute 
> times to the presence of records (in this case the DS RR that is the 
> result), we are introducing a new paradigm.
> What happens when the parent disposes the DS RR at the end of the 
> key's effectivity date?  Will the child know to remove the same 
> DNSKEY, or at least mark it as revoked in RFC 5011 speak?  Do we need 
> to define a signal mechanism from the parent to child?  These are the 
> kinds of things that need to be thought about thoroughly - and why I 
> say we need to treat the disease and not the symptoms.
> Brainstorming is good and we do need that, but be aware we need to 
> arrive at a fully fleshed-out solution.
> -- 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Edward Lewis
> NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468
> As with IPv6, the problem with the deployment of frictionless surfaces is
> that they're not getting traction.
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> DNSOP mailing list

I don't think we need to make ITAR more complicated than it already
is as it is intended to go away once the root is signed.  Adding a
recommendation of daily checks would be a good thing.

It would be useful for IANA to send the TLD's that are using ITAR
something about this so they become aware of the need to factor in
a reasonable rollover period after adding the new key to the ITAR
along with a description of what happened when this didn't happen.

We can debate reasonable but 2-4 weeks seams to be the right ballpark.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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