On Sep 8 2009, Paul Wouters wrote:

I am not sure what appliance or software setup '.pr' uses, but it should have
never allowed to finish the key rollover with the bad key in the ISC DLV.

ISC supposedly get their data for TLDs from the IANA ITAR. That's certainly
up to date now at https://itar.iana.org/anchors/anchors.xml but it would be
more than interesting to know how long that has been the case. (As I recall,
PR had to be chivvied into joining the ITAR in the first place.)

Given that the ITAR *is* now up to date, can anyone from ISC comment?
(I had expected to find it already fixed after coming back from the pub,
but no...)

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk
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