On 8/09/09 11:52 AM, "Chris Thompson" <c...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> ISC supposedly get their data for TLDs from the IANA ITAR. That's certainly
> up to date now at https://itar.iana.org/anchors/anchors.xml but it would be
> more than interesting to know how long that has been the case. (As I recall,
> PR had to be chivvied into joining the ITAR in the first place.)
> Given that the ITAR *is* now up to date, can anyone from ISC comment?
> (I had expected to find it already fixed after coming back from the pub,
> but no...)

I do not intend to speak for anyone at ISC, but I believe they stated on
this list previously they sync with the ITAR data on a weekly basis.

As for when the current .PR key was listed on the interim trust anchor
repository at IANA, 2009-09-01 21:45:06.072 UTC would be the precise time.


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