locus of control.  centralization of resource control.
 lack of autonomy in an end-to-end system.   trust anchor placement
 is "just another brick in the wall" here.  but i have now dragged out 
 my soapbox and i'm pretty sure this is not speakers corner... 
 so i'll shut up and go back in the woodwork.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 02:11:44PM -0400, John Schnizlein wrote:
> Locus of control?  Or that pesky old trust anchor?
> Separable issues: where the validation computations are done, and  
> setting (and updating) the trust anchor.  For computation, the  
> advantage of caching after validation in the (shared) recursive  
> resolver probably does not keep up with the performance improvements  
> of (end) hosts.  Distributing trust anchors to hosts is another scale  
> step harder than maintaining them on (shared - validating) recursive  
> resolvers.
> Speaking of the popularity of DHCP, that is all about distributing  
> current parameters to (end) hosts.  If only there were a trustworthy  
> way to do that.  DHCP could do that, except for the key distribution  
> problem (again).  But some sort of key distribution is necessary to  
> protect the hop from a stub resolver and the recursive resolver also.
> My guess is that the solutions for updating (end) host software will  
> get trustworthy enough to be used for DNSSEC trust anchors, and the  
> validation will end up in the (end) host.  Until the host OS  
> manufacturers realize this is worth their while, validation in hand- 
> crafted recursive resolvers can get things started.
> John
> On 2009Apr23, at 1:37 PM, wrote:
> >On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:52:37PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
> >>At 8:43 -0700 4/23/09, David Conrad wrote:
> >>
> >>>root servers). However the point is that you need to do the  
> >>>validation
> >>>someplace you can talk securely to.  The easiest answer is to  
> >>>simply do the
> >>>validation on the same host.
> >>>
> >>>I figure stub resolvers were needed when cpu/bandwidth/memory were  
> >>>a bit
> >>>more expensive than now.  It seems a shame to constrain our  
> >>>architecture
> >>>to the '80s...
> >>
> >>OTOH, for the one of the same reasons DHCP is so popular, that is
> >>centralized local management, it is desirable (in some instances) to
> >>have the validation done in the commons and not in end hosts.
> >
> >     locus of control.
> >
> >     i happen to agree w/ David here.  there really is no serious  
> >technical
> >     hurdle for moving a full-bore DNS IMR into most platforms these days
> >     (modulo the RFIDs and some of the IoT stuff).
> >
> >     the upsides are huge for mobility, ad-hoc, and temporally  
> >disconnected
> >     networks.
> >
> >     the downsides are the LEOS (protecting our security), and the  
> >Shylocks
> >     who need to collect what remains of the lunch money.
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