Antoin Verschuren wrote:
>> No. I don't need to sell you the idea. The idea doesn't stand or
>> fall on the opinion of this mailing list.
> Did you really say this ? Did I read this correctly ?
> No, can't be. I don't think Mozilla wants to insult all the IETF
> experts that have voluntarily helped them make a living in the first
> place...

Why is the above an insult? It's just a statement of fact. I didn't come
here to say "I have this idea. If you guys like it, we'll do it. If you
don't like it, we won't." I apologise if some people thought that this
is what I was saying. As I said, I came here because Yngve suggested
that you would appreciate being told about this scheme.

I've had some useful feedback, and food for thought. And I'm grateful to
those people who gave it to me.

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