On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Gervase Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I must confess it is somewhat frustrating when, having put up a website
> explaining what this is all about, and having had a long discussion on
> this list, people continually misunderstand the point while having shown
> no evidence of attempting to read the existing explanations.
> I even got one (private) mail basically saying "I can't be bothered to
> read all that. Tell me, what are you trying to do?"

Listening would you mind explaining something here.  Do we work for you?
I'm pretty sure your being paid to promote your public suffix idea but we
are not.  There are many here who are too busy to spend time reading your
stuff, let alone go back to the web site for updates.

Now if you want to start paying for my time and the time of the group -
we'll gladly work for you.

Now Gerv focus.  You have come here for a reason and that is to promote a
protocol.  The people ere are giving very good advice.  It would be prudent
you pay attention and answer their questions.  Obviously this process is
having some benefit because it is forcing you to update your web site.

Gerv focus.  Kindly remember your position in his affair.  You are here on
behalf Mozilla to sell an idea and we are the people who have to be sold.
And it is in bad form for a salesman to complain.  You goal is to provide us
with the best customer service on behalf of Mozilla.  And if that means
going the extra mile - then go the extra mile.  Don't complain - that looks

A lot of people here are well known experts in their fields who are taking
the time to ask you questions.  You got to respect that and in turn respect
their time constraints.

Incidentally - have you answered by question yet - or put it on the web
site?  What happens to your web browsers behavior if I try to surf a TLD not
on the list?

joe baptista

Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative &
Accountable to the Internet community @large.
Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
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