> If you are going to push this 'technology', you might want to consider
> doing an SPF-alike test, thus getting that information from the provider
> of the label, or better: fix the cookie standards.

I must agree here.
What I see here is an attempt to make a global list of local policy.
That won't scale administrative.
You're trying to apply 2 structures on the same namespace.
If you would like to get some authoritative answer on the existence of a zone 
boundary, the only place you should administer this is in the DNS itself.

I'm very afraid that Mozilla is trying to hijack the authority model here.
If this is hardcoded into Firefox, and requires a software update for changes 
to work, then all TLD's are delivered to the goodwill of Firefox developers to 
have changes to their zones work in real life.
And what's next, TLD's that need to propagate changes in their zones to each 
and every software developer, so it can be hardcoded in their products too ?

Antoin Verschuren

Technical Policy Advisor
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The Netherlands

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