On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 01:51:54PM -0400, Edward Lewis wrote:
> At 10:35 -0700 4/1/08, Sebastian Castro Avila wrote:
> >Sorry for the late response. About this matter, using the data collected
> >at the root server instances participating in DITL 2007, we found 24.73%
> >of the queries seen at the roots were for invalid TLD's.
> >
> >Doing an analysis per root, the numbers vary
> >
> >C-root               19.15%
> >F-root               46.79%
> >K-root               10.01%
> >M-root               20.96%
> Wow, what a dispersion.  I'm not calling into question the effort, 
> etc., but seeing these numbers makes me wonder about the value of the 
> results.  The reasons for my suspicion are:
> 1) That there such wide variation
We investigated that situation on request and found some F-root
instances were receiving very high volume of queries for invalid TLD.

> 2) from sampling just a minority of the root ('s 13) "nodes"

That's true, is want we can answer with the data available. However, the
data sample is not small: 61 root instances, 24 hours of data.

> 3) considering that the topology/architecture of each sampled node is 
> vastly different

> (I should ask - for, say, F, are the samples across all nodes of the 
> [F] any cast cloud or just sampling at a few of the node's any cast 
> members?)

For that study we use the following data:

24 hour traces collected between 01-09-2007 12:00 and 01-10-2007 12:00,
on 61 root server anycast nodes

C-root, all 4 instances
F-root, 36 out of 40
K-root, 15 out of 17
M-root, all 6 instances

So the data seems to be useful (but not complete). Once we got all the
data for DITL 2008 we could try to run the same test and look for


> -- 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468
> NeuStar
> Never confuse activity with progress.  Activity pays more.

Sebastian E. Castro Avila             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado Especial (a.k.a. New Elf)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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