On Mon, 3 Dec 2018 09:49:06 +0000
g4sra <g4...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> No I am not trying to start a Distro flame war, I am seeking facts not
> opinions.
> As someone has already pointed out on this mailing list Linux Distros
> in general are taking away the freedom to customise (in particular
> for a specific User case). 

Why are they doing this? DIY people aren't demanding that any distro
solve their problems: They only ask that controls and test points
aren't covered with epoxy. That seems reasonable to me, and when I find
a distro that covers its controls and test points in epoxy, I have to
ask "why?"

> I get that maintenance is an issue, but
> only because software growth has become disproportionate. if there
> wasn't so mush software <<Freudian slip *much* software, it wouldn't
> require software to manage it all and there would be even less
> software, just look at the number of different software build systems
> there are.

Is it my imagination, or is the preceding paragraph a no-op?

> The all important mantra has been forgotten and lost:
> Do one thing! do it well!

In addition, play nicely with others.

> I have already hit issues in Devuan that have been inherited from
> Debian. The initramfs\initrd should (and used to) do one thing and do
> it well. It is now so convolutely complex you can do away with the
> root filesystem altogether.
> I understand that there are not enough Devuan developers to fix
> everything. I was pondering whether LFS will suit the corner cases
> which even Devuan cannot reach.

You can build a car from a kit. This is wonderful for the person who
treats it as a hobby and has the time to do this, but it's not a
solution for someone who needs transportation.

Building Linux From Scratch all the way up to the point where you can,
for instance, run a business on it, would take sufficient time to call
it a hobby. It's not a replacement for any practical Linux.


Steve Litt 
December 2018 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
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